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- Short: Meson's 4th Place in Asm '97 Trace compo
- Author: gary@batesg.demon.co.uk
- Uploader: crash@tcp.co.uk
- Type: pix/real3
- _._ _ _ _ _._
- : :
- .......................................................
- :: _ ____________ _ __ _____::___________
- (÷) N.e.r.v.e A.x.i.s (÷) _\\\ /
- _ ______::_ _ _____ _ ____\_____ /_ _____¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯::¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- .__\\\_ .·/_\\\ _/ ._\\\__ / /_\\\ _/ . ::
- | / / _\ ¯¯| _/ _/ / _\ ¯¯| ::
- | / /· | \ \_ / | ::
- |___/ /::___________| \______/ /_____________| ::
- · /______\:: tGø| | \ / ::
- _\ :: | _ ___|____ _\/______ _ _____ _::____ _
- \ __ ______::___________|_\\\___ \ /_____ _\\\____)_.\ ·___///_.
- \\/ ::| _/ \_ // /// | \______ |
- \ Arouses:Your Senses | \_ _/ / _/ | . / |
- \::| |_____\______\ \_ |_::_______|
- ¯ ¯_\¯¯¯¯¯¯::¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|______| \______/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ::
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- | \__/ _/ _/ \__/ _ / / / \__ |
- | \ . \_ | \ / / / / | |
- |_______: |____________|_____________/ / ______ / / ._ _________|
- _______|_ __|____. ___.__ _______ /_____\tGø /_____\::
- ._\\_ / \\__ |_\\ | \_\ ___//_. ::
- | / _/ _/ \__ \______ | _ __ _____::___________
- | \ \_ \_ | | |
- |____\____./ |________________________| ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯::¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- _________::____|______________________________________________::_________
- _:\ :: :: /:_
- |¯ Re|eased:At Assemb|y 97 He|d In He|sinki, Fin|and / 8th - 10th August ¯|
- | .. .... :: :: |
- | :::::::: Meson's Entry To The Raytracing Competition :: |
- | :::::::: :: .... .. |
- | : : : : C · A · T · C · H · I · N · G R · A · Y · S :::::::: |
- | : : : : :::::::: |
- | :::..::: : : : : |
- | :::::::: A Few Words From The Author: : : : : |
- | :::::::: :::..::: |
- | :::::::: Unfortunate|y I did not have sufficient remaining :::::::: |
- | :·:··:·: time to render the picture optima||y, my humb|e :::::::: |
- | :::::::: Amiga 4000 just isn't fast enough. Ro|| on PPC! :::::::: |
- | :::::::: :·:··:·: |
- | :::::::: This picture shou|d be viewed in 24 bit at a :::::::: |
- | : : : : reso|ution not |ess than 640x480. This picture :::::::: |
- | : : : : shou|d not be converted to JPEG. However, it may :::::::: |
- | :::..::: be converted to other non-|ossy 24 bit capab|e : : : : |
- | .::·::·::. picture formats such as 24 bit IFF or Targa. : : : : |
- | :::..::: |
- | Technica| Information: .::·::·::. |
- | |
- | Mode||ed and rendered over a 7 week period on a 25Mhz Amiga 4000/040 |
- | with 18 MB of memory and a Cybervision card using Rea|3d v3.11. |
- | |
- | Scene contains 10 distinct ß-sp|ine meshes & just 2 CSG primitives. |
- | |
- | Scene makes use of 8 computer painted textures, 3 custom bumpmaps and |
- | just 1 texture from an externa| source. |
- | |
- | A|| computer painted textures were produced with Photogenics v2. |
- | |
- | We are a|ways |ooking for high qua|ity sceners to join us especia||y |
- | good artists and you can contact us via emai| or irc at the fo||owing |
- | |ocations: .. .... .. |
- | :::::::: |
- | IRC: #NVX - #AMIGASCNE - #AMIELITE :::::::: |
- | : : : : |
- | EMai|: Zone - zone@legend.co.uk : : : : |
- | Crash - crash@tcp.co.uk :::..::: |
- | TANGo - tango@hellfire.force9.net :::::::: |
- | Meson - gary@batesg.demon.co.uk :·:··:·: |
- | Schlott - tommy@schlott.demon.co.uk :::::::: |
- | :::::::: |
- | Or check out our homepage at: :::::::: |
- | : : : : |
- | http://mer|in.|egend.org.uk/~zone/ : : : : |
- | :::..::: |
- | .::·::·::. |
- _|_ · Nerve Axis - Reviving The UK Scene _|_
- :/_ _\ __________________________________________________________________\:
- _\ __ ______________________________________ _
- \\/
- \ And Don't Forget To Ca|| These Amazing Nerve Axis HQs Wor|dwide
- \
- _\ Trick Or Treat 2 · Whq «» 2 Nodes · +44 01703495841
- \ 13th Hour · Ukhq «» 2 Nodes · +44 01704505845
- · Cyberspace · Ukhq «» 2 Nodes · +44 01275341261
- La Luna · Ukhq «» 2 Nodes · +44 01206501836
- Stargate · Ukhq «» 2 Nodes · +44 01253400122
- Mos Eis|ey · Fhq «» 2 Nodes · +358 97735485 ·
- /_
- _ ___________ __ /
- The Men Responsib|e For Nerve Axis \//
- /
- Zone ÷ Crash ÷ TANGo ÷ Venom ÷ Meson ÷ Sch|ott /
- Babbage ÷ Nik ÷ Nexus ÷ Spoon ÷ Jam ÷ Ganja ÷ Turbo /_
- ZipZippy ÷ Ace ÷ Kgb ÷ Demo|ee ÷ Nee|ix ÷ Icon /
- ·
- _ __________
- _\\\ / «·Nerve Axis·»
- _ ____\____ __/______
- .__\\\_ / \ /_____ _
- | / / /\_ // ///
- | / /\ /_/ / _/
- tGø|___/ / \ / \______\ \_
- -·------/______\---\/----------\______/---·-
- Released At Assembly 97 - CATCHING RAYS
- Meson's 4th Place - Raytracing Competition
- -·----------------------------------------·-
- _._ _ _ _ _._
- : :
- ============================= Archive contents =============================
- Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
- -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
- 882940 827364 6.2% 05-Aug-97 23:23:10 Catching.iff24
- 921618 757131 17.8% 07-Aug-97 02:40:52 Catching.TGA
- 439 206 53.0% 15-Aug-97 21:43:22 File_ID.diz
- 7944 2306 70.9% 15-Aug-97 21:42:32 fishing.txt
- -------- ------- ----- --------- --------
- 1812941 1587007 12.4% 23-Aug-97 01:33:22 4 files